A.J. Books

A Guide to the Books and Literary References in A.J. Fikry

Click on the chapter title for the references in the corresponding chapter. Spoilers abound. Feel free to add your additions and thoughts in the comments.

Part I

Lamb to the Slaughter

The Diamond as Big as the Ritz

The Luck of Roaring Camp

What Feels Like the World

A Good Man is Hard to Find

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

Girls in Their Summer Dresses

Part II

A Conversation with My Father

A Perfect Day for Bananafish

The Tell-Tale Heart


What We Talk about When We Talk About Love

The Bookseller

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Book release dates, event news, words of note, and the occasional rumination on the meaning of it all. Delivered seasonally*.

*Sometimes, a season lasts two or three years. Long enough for you to forget who Gabrielle Zevin is, or why you signed up for this in the first place. You may unsubscribe at any time.

74 thoughts on “A.J. Books

  1. I loved the book and have recommended it to many friends.
    I heard it was being made into a movie. Can you tell me when it will start filming or any idea of
    when it might come out. Would love to see this as a movie

  2. One of my favorite books EVER – just read it for a second time and printed out references. I have recommended to many people. It is a treasure for any booklover! Marjorie Dunne

  3. I found this book at a Little Free Library a couple of days ago and have just finished it today in one sitting. Loved it! I will be recommending this book to anyone looking for a good read. I especially liked the quotes from other books and will be utilizing the above list to investigate books and stories that I have missed. I think the world is a better place for good writing and wish more parents would support reading. Thank you for a very enjoyable morning.

  4. This was a treat to find during the 2020 pandemic and I will also recommend it widely. Thanks so much for the list, I was hoping for all the books referenced to be listed though, such as House of Sand and Fog. Your book is such a treasure trove.

    1. Jane at the top is says…
      “Click on the chapter title for the references in the corresponding chapter.”

      Each chapter has a list of references. Find out what chapter that book was discussed in and click that chapter title for more information. If you don’t know what chapter just click through them all until you find it.

  5. I think reading this book is one of the luckiest things that happened in my life. Love you Zevin.

  6. Ditto to all of the above. I recommend it as a everyone book. I loved every sentence, every reference and every smile! Thanks bunches!

  7. I loved this book. Are you perhaps a Jane Austen fan? The choice of Knightly for the name of the publishing company Amelia works for made me wonder. Mr. Knightly always has been and always will be my literary crush.

  8. Where is Infinite Jest in your list? Elmore Leonard’s books? Loved this book! And the book references! Why does seeing a book reference that I have read make me perk up? And smile? Our book-lovers connectedness!

  9. Lost sleep while reading this charming lil book. Loved everything about it. Wisdom, woe and whimsical. Delightful read.

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